Back in February, I was approached by a lady through my Etsy shop ( asking if I was able to create some custom step stools for her. Turns out she is one of the producers of the TLC show, 'The Little Couple', and asked if my items could appear on the show! Of course I said "Yes!!" I created 2 custom step stools (one for each of the children they are adopting) and also a custom door plaque for each of them.
In the past 5 months of watching the show, I have fallen in love with this couple! We've joined them on their journey of adopting their son from China and on this week's episode they finally brought him home! I honestly had no idea when my items would appear on the show, so I was super excited on Tuesday (the 100th episode!!) when we got to see Jen open the gift of the custom step stool for William:
Later on in the show, they showed William the door to Zoey's room and included a closeup of the custom plaque I made:
And I think the most exciting of all was the scenes of William using the step stool to get into bed at night:) So neat to see my items in action!
And lastly, the show ended with a closeup of the plaque I painted for William :)
This is a great show! My 2 year old daughter loved it too:) The expressions William makes are absolutely adorable and the love the family has for each other is amazing. I'm so happy to have my items belong to this family and I can't wait to meet Zoey when they bring her home (and maybe see a peek of her custom step stool too :)
If you are interested in ordering your own custom Alphadorable items, you can visit my website or my Facebook page I look forward to working with you!